Imagine the following situation: You did a POWERFUL NUTRITION on your threads, they are soft, with unparalleled shine, in addition, the perfume present in your threads is incredible. But you walked past a barbecue ‘stand’ and instantly the smell ‘stuck’ to your hair. And there? Have you been through this situation? Do you know the famous HAIR PERFUME, but are you afraid of them drying out your hair? That fear ends now! HAIR PERFUME DOESN’T DRY OUT YOUR HAIR, that’s right! Unlike the traditional perfumes that we pass, Capillary does not contain alcohol in its composition. When applied to strands – dry or wet – it ‘hijacks’ bad odors, leaving your hair with the characteristic scent, without irritating your scalp or drying out your locks.
go to site Easy to handle, able to fit inside your bag, our HAIR PERFUME, in addition to sequestering bad odors, our formula provides softness and hydration to your hair. And there? Ready to fall in love with this hair routine?