Is the day-to-day routine getting in the way of caring for your hair?
Nowadays women are becoming more and more overloaded, both those who work outside the home and housewives. As a result, we often run out of time to carry out our self-care routine (especially with our hair, as they end up being more ‘work‘). Our diquinha is for those who always want to keep their hair WONDERFUL in a short time.
Our solution is the shampoo, mask and conditioner from the 3 MINUTES line, which, as the name suggests, corrects damage in 3 minutes after application.
It is a PERFECT line to combat elasticity, dryness and fading of the threads, it has high-tech solar filter, formulated with raw materials of low molecular weight that penetrate deeper into the cortex with a long-lasting effect , leaving hair with a natural look, silky touch and a mirror-like shine.